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I have found 4 main groups of Schmucks in The United States of America.

The first one is centered in New Jersey and I think is from the Netherlands. The oldest I can find is Peter Schmuck b. 1716 in Sussex N. J.

The second is in N.E. Pennsylvania. Casper Schmuck/Schmack was member.

The third one is from Lancaster/York, Pennsylvania John Jacob Schmuck was the oldest member b 1733. In the early 1800s they spread to Wayne County, Ohio, by 1860 to Dixon, Illinois, by 1870 to Pleasant Grove, Hardin County, Iowa. The spelling changed in the early 1800s to Smuck. A branch of this family moved to Ontario, Canada after the American Revolution There are at least 2 Smuck Cemeteries there.
There are also 2 people named SMUK in Canada. They might be related to the SMUKs of Northern Norway (Samii or Laplanders).

The fourth was also from Lancaster/York, they moved to Kentucky and then to Darke county, Ohio. Their spelling changed to Smock in the early 1800s. There is a place near Waimec, Oregon named Smock Prairie, also was a town near Portland, OR named Smockville named after the owner of the town store J. C. Smock, the Town is now named Sherwood, OR

The following is a Link to the Family History Library of Salt Lake City. www.familysearch.org

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